Even After Death - Chapter 1104

Chapter 1104


Ethan replied directly, “I’m sorry, but I can’t do that. My life doesn’t just

belong to me. Jack, I know you hate me and blame me for what


“But, no matter what you do, Kurt will never come back to life.”

“So why are you pretending to be the good guy? Kill me if you want to. I can’t get away anyway.”

Ethan shook his head. “You’re his brother. I won’t hurt you.”

Jack sneered. “Pretentious.”

“Jack, we’re cousins. We’re a family.”

“I only have one brother in my family.”

Jack closed his eyes after he said that.

Ethan knew he would react this way, so he didn’t mind. “It’s not safe

for you here. I’ll bring you somewhere else.”

“Don’t touch me!”

“You were the one who tried to kill Mr. Heath. Do you think the Heath. family would let you off the hook?

“They will hunt you to the ends of the earth, and so will the Kingstons.”

After Ethan said that, Jack turned to look at him. “What do you know?”

“I know more than you can imagine. Yale ordered you to assassinate Mr. Heath to give him an opportunity to impress the Heaths.

Chapter 1104


“Now the Heath Family is outraged. They are looking into this

incident. Do you think Yale would let you go? He would definitely kill you before the Heaths can find you.”

Ethan saw that Jack was silent, so he added, “You worked with Yale

to kill me, right?”

Jack had a defeated look on his face. “So what if I did? The enemy of

my enemy is my friend.”

“Then why didn’t you make a move on Liv and the kids? They are the

ones closest to me. I wouldn’t be on guard against them.”

“Do you think I don’t want to?” Jack snarled.

That was the reason why he approached Olivia even after he le

her identity. He wasn’t just helping her out of kindness.

He had hatched a perfect plan. But when he took those two kids and they looked at him with those pure and innocent eyes, he couldn’t

do it!

Olivia also treated him like her family: If they went with their real

identities, Olivia would be his sister-in-law.

As he spent more time with them, his plan for revenge drifted further away from him. He can’t bring himself to taint the innocence of the kids, nor could he bring himself to harm Olivia.

That was why he could only work with Yale. The deal was he only had

to shoot a bullet into Mason’s chest.

He didn’t expect Yale to arrange for other assassins to silence him after he did his part. It took him a lot of effort to get to Olivia’s villa.

Chapter 1104


Yale was, without a doubt, looking for him everywhere.

Ethan raised his hand. There was a string of prayer beads on his wrist.

“Kurt got these beads on an island in the southern sea. He said he

never believed in gods but had to believe in the divine because of a

sickly little boy.

“He was very sincere when he scaled the mountain due to a legend of

it being more effective the more sincere he was.

“He went through great pains to get those prayer beads, but he had a

bright smile when he got them.”

Ethan closed his eyes, and he could see Kurt’s smile.

Kurt and Jack looked identical, but they were polar opposites when it

came to their personalities.

One was bright like the sun. The other was as gloomy as the night.

Ethan slowly recounted what Kurt said.

“He said he was so sincere that the gods would definitely have to

watch over that sickly boy and let him live a long life.”

Tears rolled down Jack’s face.

“He was stupid.”

“You’re not wrong.”

Ethan placed his fingers on Jack’s forehead and said gently, “You’re the person Kurt wanted to protect with all his might. I won’t let

anything happen to you.”

